WOW! What A Battle! What a Show! Well Done #GAMEOFTHRONES

What do We Say To the God of Death? Not Today!

Like most people, I stayed up watching Game of Thrones, Season 8, Episode 3, with great anticipation. I wasn't disappointed. I was wrong by a couple of things. I thought Brienne and Davos

Loved it! I will admit I was totally taken by surprise that it was Arya that killed the Night King. Yet, looking back, it all seems so clear.

That what makes a great series...great books! I commend both George RR Martin and the series creators, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.

I just had to say how much I enjoyed it...except that I couldn't see a thing. I realize they wanted to keep it realistic, but there were times I couldn't see a thing.

So...what are is going to happen now? Are they going to tell us more about the Night King? Is he a guess—no. I'm guessing that is going to happen in the prequel that is coming.

Three more episodes.

Will Cersei cunningly win by letting Daenerys, Jon and the North sacrifice their army for humanity? Will Daenerys consider Jon a threat? Does Jon even want the Iron Throne? How will Daenerys win the throne with her army decimated? Will Arya kill Cersei? Could it be Genry really is the son of Cersei and Robert...(remember she said she lost a child before Joffrey)? Will Bran ever warn anyone about the danger they truly face...or just sit there in his chair? Will Bronn use the crossbow on Tyrion? (I hope not.)

So many little time!


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