Classic Love Stories

I'm in between writing projects at the moment. The next Whispers installment is out to the editors. So I'll be moving on to the next Secret Lives Series. I'm stuck at the moment though. I have half a book...Broken Legacy, started. It will be under Colleen Connally, but its not a paranormal story. Maybe it's Halloween, but I feel like a good ghost story.

When I wrote Seductive Secrets/Daughter of Deceit, I really hadn't any intention of writing anything paranormal. It just kinda of happened. The same goes for me now. I have a story swirling in my head, just have to get it down on paper. Sometimes that's hard to get down exactly what I'm looking for. I've already rewrote the opening three times.

So what do I like to do between writing lot. I love books. I reread books, too. So what books have I the last week or two....

An Offer From a Gentleman by Julia Quinn

Yours Until Dawn by Teresa Medeiros (Love Ms Medeiros)

Runaway Heart by Claudy Conn

Defy Not the Heart by Johanna Lindsey (one of my favorite authors)

To Dare the Duke of Dangerfield by Bronwen Evans

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (one of my all time favorite books)

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (another one of my all time favorite books)

At the moment, I'm in the Gothic mood...along the moors with Catherine and Heathcliff... I highly recommended Wuthering Heights to one of my younger friends a few years ago. She wasn't as impressed as I was. Now rereading the book, I can understand why she couldn't get into the book. Writing styles have changed over the years. The way the characters interact and talk have changed. But its the reason I love Wuthering Heights. It has a dark quality that won't let go of you.

There are romances I read that I call 'feel good' romances. The majority of romances for me fall into this category- a fantasy escape. But at times, I want a book to pull at my emotions. Wuthering Heights does that for me. I don't think I could ever write a book like Wuthering Heights...I have to have my characters have that happy ending. I guess that's why I admire Wuthering's the reason it's a Classic. I don't know how many times I have read the Classics...from Pride and Prejudice, Gone With the Wind, To Kill a Mockingbird, Wuthering Heights...they stay with you long after you read them.

You know what...even though I have most on the Classics in hard cover, you can get a lot of them for free online for your kindle, nook or ipad. to get back to reading. Next week, I will start my book in earnest and I won't get much reading done after that.

Have a good one! Keep reading!


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