Haunting Stories!

Vacation Summer 2011 Charleston and trip 473

Everyone has read stories that never quite leave you. They haunt your unconscious with remembrances of something that touched you in some way. Gone With the Wind is one of those stories for me. After becoming so invested in the characters, Rhett left Scarlet. I never got over Rhett leaving Scarlet. I remember as a teenager daydreaming about a different ending. 
I read Gone With the Wind well before I saw the movie. In the movie, Scarlet's other children were never mentioned. Only her daughter, Bonnie, with Rhett, but Scarlett had two more children; one with Charles-a boy, Wade, and with Frank- a daughter, Ella. I had this vision that Scarlet's daughter from her second husband met the son of Belle Watling who in my mind was Rhett's. In my version, the two would fall madly in love and with a vivid stretch of my imagination gave Gone With the Wind a semblance of a happy ending.
After reading Gone With the Wind numerous times, in my opinion, there really was no way for Rhett and Scarlet to ever have their happily ever after. Think about it. If you stay true to the characters, do you believe that Rhett and Scarlet would ever be happy together? Really, they probably wouldn't be happy apart either, but together...each has character flaws that would keep them from being happy, especially when both wanted the other to be different than who they truly were.
That's the reason when I daydreamed in my youth I had their children find happiness together. Strange...I know. I also realize that it's not real, but it felt like it. It haunts me even to this day. Maybe it's the reason Gone With the Wind is a classic—it's a story that lives inside of you.
What story that has haunted you? Is there one that you can't forget? Why? 

In the spirit of Halloween, I'm giving a signed of one of my Secret Lives Series.   Comment for a chance to win!

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